Cupping is a unique therapy in Unani medicine system.
The therapy is based on the principle of Acupressure and employs glass
cups for the same. Cupping treatment is carried out in order to remove
any blockages in the tissues and arteries. It improves the blood
circulation and draws the healing force to the area. However, it does
produce some weakness and should not be applied on people above sixty
and below three years of age.
There are two methods of cupping; dry and wet. For the process a small,
medium or large cupping apparatus is used, which can be of glass, bamboo
or plastic. For the application, a small ball of cotton, held by
tweezers is soaked with alcohol or olive oil. It is ignited and the
flame is applied inside the cup, removed and extinguished. Instantly,
the cup is placed over the selected spot thereby creating a vacuum and
firming the cup. The method is quite safe and painless.
The optimum time for cupping is usually 10 to 15 minutes or till the
skin under the skin appears reddish. After this, the cups are removed
gently, by pressing the skin around the edges of the cup. Do not pull or
the skin might tear. For cupping the patient should lie down on a flat
bed and then the spots should be selected. In case the patient feels
unwell during the procedure, it should be discontinued immediately.
The main purposes behind the process of cupping are