Homeopathic healing treatment involves an
exhaustive procedure and careful observation. Read on remedies in
Homeopathy Treatment
Homeopathy involves a careful observation of the
patient and the symptoms of the disease exhibited by him. This includes
detailed examination of patient's history including all the aspects of
his life such as physical, mental and emotional. It also includes the
various incidents in his life, which might have led to the problem. This
information is then translated into a complex blueprint of mental and
physical symptoms, comprising of the likes, dislikes, innate
predispositions and even the body type of the person.
The basic aim of this exercise is to evaluate the overall health of the
person. The symptoms determined are then compared with the data in the
drug provings, laid down in the 'materia medica'. After another
exhaustive dialogue with the patient, the homeopath decides the drug
matching most closely the 'symptom totality' of the patient. However,
there is conflict amongst homeopaths on the method of determining the
most similar remedy for a disease. This is partially due to the
complexity of the process of "totality of symptoms".
The homeopaths argue that each practitioner does not take into account
all the symptoms and consider only the characteristic ones, they feel.
Thus, the process of determining the symptoms and the drug is
subjective, the accuracy of which depends upon the experience and
knowledge of the homeopath. Thus, there is a considerable amount of
diversity, when it comes to the different approaches to the treatments
of various diseases in Homeopathy.
This can be further made clear from the fact that Classical homeopathy
believes in, in-depth analysis of the patient and infrequent doses of a
single remedy, with patient being continuously monitored for
improvements. On the other hand, Clinical homeopathy, as it is called,
uses an approach which involves the use of different remedies to cover
the various symptoms of the illness. This is somewhat very similar to
the conventional drug treatments.