
Here is information about sippy cups and cavities, tooth decay in babies caused by sippy cups and using sippy cup for a baby.

Sippy Cups and Cavities

Just like bottles and pacifiers, sippy cups can damage kids' teeth too. Constant toting by toddlers can make them cause tooth decay. Yet, sippy cups can prove to be quite helpful as a transition tool to bottle from cup for young children and also lessen the amount of mess that children create while drinking from bottles as they come with removable valves that regulate the rate of flow of liquid. Though, they are not prone to orthodontic issues like overbites that occur mostly by bottles or pacifiers, sippy cups increase the risk of bad teeth when babies drink sugary liquids like juice and milk from them all the time and carry it around all day long. Here are some tips to use sippy cup in a way that they cannot ruin a child's teeth: