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Age of the Child | Common Skills | Skills Still Learning | Rare Skills |
7 months old | Sits without support Makes sweeping motion to reach for things Babbles |
Combines syllables to form word like
sounds Crawls or lunges forward |
Stands with support or while holding
something Waves to say goodbye Bangs objects to produce sounds |
8 months old | Uses 'mama' or 'dada' to parents, not
necessary the right one Crawls Passes object from hand to hand |
Stands with support or while holding
something Masters crawling Points at objects |
Pulls self to standing position and
tries to cruise with support of walls or furniture Picks things up using 'pincer grasp' or using thumb and finger Tries to express himself using gestures |
9 months old | Combines syllables to form word like
sounds Stands with support or while holding something |
Picks things up using 'pincer grasp'
or using thumb and finger Tries to cruise with support of walls or furniture Bangs objects together |
Plays infant games with small rhymes Says 'dada' and 'mama' to the right parent |
10 months old | Waves to say goodbye Picks things up using 'pincer grasp' or using thumb and finger Masters crawling Explores and cruises |
Says 'dada' and 'mama' to the right
parent Responds to own name Understands 'No' Expresses himself using gestures |
Drinks from a cup Stands alone without support for a couple of seconds Puts objects in a container and pull them out |
11 months old | Says 'dada' and 'mama' to the right
parent Plays infant games with small rhymes Stands alone without support for a couple of seconds |
Imitates what others are doing Puts objects in a container and pull them out Understands simple sentences and instructions |
Drinks from a cup Learns one word besides 'mama' and 'dada' Stoops while standing |
12 months old or One year old | Imitates what others are doing Jabbers and make sounds that are like words Expresses himself using gestures |
Learns one word besides 'mama' and
'dada' Takes a few steps Understands simple sentences and instructions and responds to them |
Scribbles with crayon Masters walking Learns two words besides 'mama' and 'dada' |