Understand the changing role of step parenting,
emotional closeness with stepparents and attachment and bonding with
step children.
Changing Role Of Step Parenting
Remarriages are not so simple, particularly when kids
are involved. Stepparents are often criticized, for not taking proper
care of stepchildren. But it is not always that stepparents are bad.
Cinderella had a wicked stepmother, but that doesn't have to be a truth
for your family situation if you find out the proper way to bond with
your stepchildren. Some people bond easily, however, some takes time to
forge relationships. Whatever is your approach towards the situation, it
will affect your personality as well as the personalities of the
children involved. Perhaps the best approach is to never quit on
nurturing a good bond. Bonding with stepchildren is very much possible,
despite how hard it may seem at first.
Give Time and Have Patience
No matter how worse the situation is, don't place yourself as a
replacement for the missing parent, even though that parent is no longer
alive. If you'll try to become mummy or daddy, you'll be a failure.
First of all, kids would like to see and feel you as a person, before
developing any kind of emotional bond with you. Regardless of how good
or bad the situation may seem to be going, ensure to not rush the
children. Don't thrust the children towards anything, they seem
unwilling to. Patience is the only key to handle such situation, as kids
might mourn for the gone parent. Settling themselves with a new parent
will require time.
Make Plan of Action With Your Spouse
Before getting remarried, it's better to make a plan of action. The
couple should know disciplinary values of each other and should abide by
them. With your actions, the children would come to know that even
though you are not their natural parent, you're following the rules as
they have always been. Probably it will be better to keep things just
the same without introducing any new rules, in the initial phase.
Respect Your Stepchildren
No one likes to be disregarded. If you want to be respected by your
stepchildren, you should also respect them in the best possible manner.
Notwithstanding what you think of the gone mother or father, you should
never badmouth the kids in any case. Treat them with dignity and put
your needs following those of the children. Consider that you're better
prepared to deal with conflict and varying emotions, however, kids are
just learning to adapt to the world.
Treat Stepchildren As Your Own Children
Without realizing, one major mistake that some stepparents make is
treating their own children better than they treat their stepchildren.
Every kid wants and deserves the same love and respect as the other.
Though it is difficult at first, it is essential to think about each
person and his/her feelings. Any child, who is treated in a different
way than his/her stepsiblings, can cause bitterness with them for the
rest of their lives. If a baby is born to the new couple, the existing
children should be included into the process to the best possible
extent. While referring to the new baby, use the terms 'brother' and
'sister' so that everybody feels they sharing the same position.
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No one wants to have a bad repute and the same goes for stepparents too.
It's difficult for anyone to develop a parental relationship. Talk to
your stepchildren like friends do. Spend time with them by doing some
fun stuff or playing games. By doing this, children would observe you as
a real person, not someone who moved into their lives and altered
everything. With enthusiasm, come up with new rituals involving your
stepchildren and abide by them.
Last but not the least, don't become against family therapy if things
aren't working out they way you wanted. Some stepfamilies bond somewhat
easily, while others take a long time going through ups and downs. Don't
be anxious as there are no hard and fast rules to change everything. The
relationship of stepparent and stepchildren is usually tough. The main
thing that stepparents should keep in mind is to have patience and to
never give up.