Ancient Egyptian Reiki is an effective healing
form of Reiki. Check out Reiki healing practiced in Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian Reiki
Reiki is used to heal people with its energy
vibrations all over the world. It is prevalent in different forms and
Ancient Egyptian Reiki is one of them. Ancient Reiki Healing of Egypt is
indeed a distinctive form of Reiki that is still very much available for
the patients. It employs a range of special techniques, which are quite
different from traditional Reiki but have been proved very effective for
the people. In Egypt, the practitioners are practicing techniques of
Reiki since the period of Pharos.
Traditional Reiki derives energy from a higher power, while Ancient
Egyptian Reiki controls this energy, turning it into strong vibrations
which become effective healing energy. The major difference between
Ancient Egyptian Reiki and Traditional Reiki lies in the fact that the
former controls the powers of the earth. Since Egyptians have always
worshipped and respected the Earth for what it has given to the mankind,
the concept of energy from it seems to be quite rational.
Egyptian Reiki exercises the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and
Spirit to heal, open chakras and spiritually balance the patients. It
can also integrate angelic energies and the use of crystals. Moreover,
patients also get to learn healing techniques like rhythmic and healing
breathing, sound vibration healing, etc in this form of Reiki. In the
presence of its various aspects, Ancient Egyptian Reiki is certainly the
most effective and powerful forms of Reiki ever developed.
Another great feature of Egyptian Reiki is 'negative energy drain', and
this technique has the power to purge negative energies from the
recipient during a Reiki healing session. It is extremely beneficial for
the people who are emotionally distressed or tensed. People rely on this
technique to gradually overcome their emotional sufferings. If performed
regularly, Ancient Egyptian Reiki is the most effective therapy for
spiritual healing.