Crystal Reiki is a combination therapy using crystals and Reiki for natural healing. Find out more on use of crystals in Reiki.

Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki brings to the mind the idea of using crystals along with Reiki. In this therapy, crystals are used, in combination with the healing energy of Reiki, to augment the self-healing system of the mind, body and spirit. For an effective Reiki treatment, it is not necessary to incorporate crystals and more so, because every crystal healer is not a Reiki practitioner. Thus, Reiki is not essentially taught in crystal healing courses and vice-versa. Alternative medicine is taking a new turn with the advent of Reiki and further, due to its combination with other therapies like aromatherapy and crystal healing.

Since times immemorial, stones and crystals are being used for therapeutic treatments and protective spells. Over and above crystals, precious stones also play a vital role in the appliance of Reiki. The energy of Reiki, when fused with Crystal healing benefits, can infact unlock new doors for better healing. It is believed that crystals act like a 'tuning fork' that is resonated by the human field. Each crystal has some healing qualities, which could be different in different crystals. These are particularly effective in psychosomatic illnesses such as migraines, headaches, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and asthma.

Reiki helps to take out intense fears and hidden facets of the personality, to enhance the mental and spiritual growth. At times, while working on the old blockages and making new ways for the flow of energy, it becomes difficult to deal with the inner situation. It takes time to set in according to the new ways. During such switchover, several blockages become mulish & fear of the subdued feelings, willing to come out into consciousness, can cause painful cramping or nightmares. At this time, the use of crystals and gemstones can be of great help.

Crystals are believed to have been used for healing, apart from other purposes, since thousands of years. When crystals are used during Reiki treatment, the practitioner usually arranges crystals around or sometimes on the recipient. With a progress in the treatment, the crystals can be moved by the practitioner while channeling the energy into the client. Usually, three crystals namely Amethyst, Rock Crystal and Rose quartz, are known to be mainly effective in healing. These stones work together well in Reiki. Here is summed up the individual properties of the stones with their relevant chakras.

Rock Crystal
Corresponds To Second Chakra
Quality Evoked Perception
Symptoms Poor Circulation of blood, Glandular Malfunctioning, Under-functioning of a body part, Depression

Corresponds To Sixth Chakra
Quality Evoked Realization
Symptoms Hyperactivity of all kinds, Inflammation, Glandular hyperactivity, Hysteria, High Blood Pressure

Rose Quartz
Corresponds To Fourth Chakra
Quality Evoked Acceptance
Symptoms Resistance of all kinds, Cancer, Cyst, Tension, Schizoid symptoms