In Kundalini Reiki, the energy for healing is influenced by the Earth. Read more about Kundalini Reiki and its attunement.

Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki is regarded as the simplest as well as one of the most effective forms of Reiki. Though it employs a lot of the same techniques used in traditional Reiki, its principles are more rationalized and uncomplicated. Similar to any other form of Reiki, in this too, one needs to get attuned or receive attunement from the master. The energy here, received from the higher power, is known as "Kundalini Energy" and at times called "Kundalini Fire".

Kundalini energy is considered to be much more powerful and effective form of energy, which is obtained from the higher power by many practitioners. Infact, it has been reported by many patients that Kundalini energy makes them feel livelier and happier than ever before. However, some others claim that both energies harnessed during Kundalini Reiki and Traditional Reiki sessions are alike, since they come from the same source.

There are patients who find no difference between the energies channeled through them during the Kundalini as well as the traditional Reiki sessions. The distinction between Kundalini and Traditional Reiki lies in the fact that during Kundalini healing treatment, the energy is focused on the Root Chakra, unlike Traditional treatment, where energy is directed to the affected part of the body. In Kundalini Reiki, the energy is firstly channeled to the root chakra and then it goes on its own while clearing the chakras.

One might require more than one treatment in this, whilst the Kundalini energy is released through the crown chakra making a way for energy through the recipient's body. Thus, Kundalini Reiki makes an entrance and an exit for energy. It is said that with this practice, the recipient is grounded to the Earth's energy and gets more attuned to the spirit of the Earth. Many recipients have told that after bring grounded to the energy of the Earth, they have grown to be insightful and psychic in some cases.

Kundalini Reiki should not be practiced just for being intuitive or psychic, rather it is beneficial for the opening of chakras and creating a regular flow of energy throughout the body. After regular practice, it makes an individual more attuned to the Earth and the atmosphere. It also awakens spirituality and moreover, it helps the practitioner in getting over introversion, or in recuperating from trauma and other such negative emotions.