Karuna Reiki is the compassionate way of healing. Find out more about Karuna Reiki energy, symbols and healing.

Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki is a system of energetic healing, which was developed by William Rand. This system of healing itself originated from Kathleen Milner's system of Reiki, Tera-Mai. William used the symbols of Tera Mai Reiki and meditated on them, their uses and the attunement process. During the procedure, the energy of the whole system shifted and centered at the heart. Thus, it was given the name Karuna Reiki, which in Sanskrit means, 'compassionate action'.

All the human beings in this world are connected to each other, explaining why we want to be compassionate to one another. Karuna Reiki implies that we extend energy to heal others as well as ourselves. The wisdom of Karuna, when understood by any enlightened individual, will motivate him to work towards the end of all human suffering. With the development of Karuna in you, you will become more receptive towards the healing energies, further quickening your own personal healing.

Karuna Reiki Symbols
The energy of the Karuna system is more focused and definite than the Usui system. Karuna Reiki mainly consists of two separate attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. The first treatment symbol prepares the person for deep healing and deals with past life issues. It releases the Karma and the embedded issues at the cellular level. The second symbol actually starts deep healing, by breaching the negative patterns which keep us from the truth. This helps to do away with delusion and denial.

The third symbol fills the person with unconditional love and restores balance. The fourth symbol is the most grounding of all and is used to finish the treatment, bringing the person back into the body. The second set of Karuna symbols are of higher vibration than the first four. These symbols connect us with our higher and enlightened selves, helping us to work on a deeper level. Though all the four symbols have their own specific purpose, their effect is too intuitive to be explained.