Know about colds in infant, symptoms of cold in
children and treating cold in babies.
Colds In An Infant
Infants are very weak and tender. Even a little change in the season can cause several problems in their health. In their first year, they are especially very prone to cough and cold. In general, they are affected by viral infections in these changing seasons. In children, cold causes a lot of irritation, as it leads to the swelling of the membranes of nose and their respiratory passages. Even their breathing passages get filled with mucus. The blockage caused in their respiratory canal, due to mucus, causes coughing, runny nose, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Read on to know about the reasons for infant cold as well as its instant remedy.
Symptoms of Cold in Infant
- Running nose or congestion in nasal passages
- Breathlessness
- Mucus discharge from nose and ears
- Coughing and sneezing frequently
- Watery eyes, accompanied with a low-grade fever
- Excessive weeping
Symptoms When Cold is Getting Serious
- Fever, with temperature being more than 100o
- Diaper wetting more than normal
- Yellow eye discharge and ear pain
- Greenish yellow discharge from nose and ear, for longer than two weeks
- Coughing and sneezing for more than one week
- Cough accompanied with blood
- Cough causing breathlessness and the blue color appearance of mouth and lips
Reasons For Cold in Infants
- Exposure to extreme weather change
- Cold in mother can also affect an infant who is on breast milk.
- Viral infection
- Passive smoking
- Allergy
Methods To Save Your Infant From Cold & Cough
- Allow least exposure to the extreme weather conditions.
- Do not take him/her outside or inside AC again and again. Let them remain in a constant temperature.
- If you are a breast feeding mother, avoid eating very cold things which may cause you cold.
- Give a regular oil massage to your infant. It enhances immunity.
- Feed her with Luke warm milk if you are not breastfeeding or if your baby is more than three years old, give him/her some hot beverages regularly in winter.
- Avoid bathing him/her on irregular times.
Home Remedies For Infant Cold
- Give steam
- Increase fluids in diet
- Use heating pads or hot water bottle
- Liquefy saffron in mother's milk and apply to forehead and nose, avoiding the nostrils
- Use a combination of turmeric, ginger, pepper, and honey
Other Remedies
- Nasal aspirator with saline nasal spray.
- Cough syrup recommended by doctor