Know about Tics and Tourette's Syndrome in
children, common tics in kids and curing Tics and Tourette's
Tics and Tourette's Syndrome in Children
Tics are repetitive rapid movements or sounds that
occur involuntarily for no reason and a person has no control over them.
Some of the common tics include eye blinking and throat clearing. Tics
are worse when a person is stressed, tired or anxious; some medicines
may also make tics worse. Tourette's syndrome is a kind of tic disorder,
in which the affected person will repeat both movements and sounds. Some
different tics can occur at the same time, but may not always happen
together. Talking about Tics and Tourette's syndrome in Children, the
tics generally start when the child is between 3 and 10 years of age.
Is It A Serious Problem?
The movements and sounds may occur and set off; it may not be a serious
problem. Remember, it is not essential that your child has both Tic and
Tourette's syndrome. Probably he/ she has only Tic problem. If you have
any doubts of Tourette's syndrome, you should talk to your doctor.
Usually tics go away after a few months; but in few cases, 1 or 2 tics
persist for many years. Children with Tourette's syndrome, typically,
reveal their worst symptoms when they're between 9 and 13 years of age.
More than 50% of these children get a lot better during the teen years
and in early adulthood. However, less than 50% affected children have
moderate to severe tics as adults.
Is There Any Treatment?
If tics do not affect daily life, a child may not need the treatment but
medicines can help to reduce specific symptoms in him/her. However,
these medicines have their side effects and one medicine does not take
care of all the symptoms of Tourette's syndrome and Tics completely.
Since, child has little control over tics, trying to stop them or
focusing too much on tic may just make it worse.
How To Handle Affected Child?
Parents should learn and understand about Tics and Tourette's syndrome,
and explain them to relatives, teachers and caregivers of the child.
Understand that your child has very little control over tics caused by
Tourette's syndrome. If you focus too much on the tics, they may get
worse. In most cases, it's not helpful to make your child to try to stop
a tic. Your child can suppress tics for some time, but eventually the
tics will come out. Many children with these medical conditions may also
suffer from ADHD, learning disabilities or obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Tics and Tourette's syndrome may run in families and it is
better to get help from the doctor.