
Read about challenges of handling twins or multiples, problems in caring for twins and baby care for two or more babies.

Challenges of Handling Twins or Multiples

Parenting is not so easy and natural as it seems, just because everybody does it. Handling twins is like juggling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We may have heard about people who had bought lots of outdoor baby gear and even went to family wilderness excursions with their twins, but if you could really know what they were going through, you may realize that all they could remember about those trips were not the adventure and thrill but how dead tired they were, how cold and wet their children were and how gruesome was their journey. Constant nursing to two or more little babies of same age and severe sleep deprivation is the worst nightmare that the parents of twins or multiples have to go through for the first few months.

Diaper changes and keeping both babies clean, well-fed and happy that include lots of work such as give them both massages, bathing them, rocking both of them to sleep and teaching both of them the same things such as potty training are only a few of the hundreds of chores that multiply like mosquitoes for twins and multiples and your life seems a total mess and out of control for sometime. People may say that births and deaths are the ultimate truth of life but then only those who witness these events in relation to a close one can only know the vast difference they make to our lives.

Six week leave for working moms after the delivery is just not enough for them to learn everything about handling twins or multiples. Moms often break down from the mountain of diapers, laundry, tears and love that go hand in hand with the birth of the babies. But then, all have the need and the innate right to freak sometimes, after which parents find that they can give even more love and be more patient to their children. Challenges of having the twins or multiples are great but not great enough that you cannot surmount them when you get the boost from all the love in your heart and the joys that your little bundles offer you.