Here are tips on feeding and sleeping and caring
for twins or multiples and making them feed and sleep together.
Feeding and Sleeping Twins or Multiples
Choosing to breastfeed your newborn baby is a good
decision. However, when it comes to twins or multiples, breastfeeding is
not always easy. It might be difficult and frustrating many at times.
However, this is something that not only you have to do, but would also
love to do for your children. Even pediatricians recommend that for the
first few months, infants should only get mother's feed and no external
food. One of the main problems that you encounter while feeding twins or
multiples is that you tend to get tired in the process. Another problem
that you may face is low productivity of milk. Let us know some more on
feeding twins or multiples.
Invest In Nursing Pump
Mothers who are worried about producing enough milk for all of their
babies can take help of pumping, as it can improve the milk production.
It also helps you collect the extra milk and provide a bottle to the
babies, if necessary. Using a heavy-duty electric double pump, which
will allow expressing milk from both breasts at the same time, can also
help the mothers of twins and multiples fulfill the milk requirement of
their children. You can either get a pump on rent from a hospital or
medical supply company or else buy one.
Relaxing Is Must
Try to relax as much as possible. Keep in mind that feeding your babies
is your priority at this time and nothing else matters more than that.
Find a place where you can relax yourself. Turn off the phone; don't
bother too much about the dishes and the laundry and keep your older
children busy with snacks, books, baby dolls or TV. Forget every thing
that makes you worried, stressed, uncomfortable or unhappy and just
focus on feeding your newly borns. Enjoy being with them: look at them,
touch them and sing to them. Rest whenever you can, as even a few
minutes of sleep can make you feel refreshed.
Support & Help Of Others
Don't hesitate to accept help from your friends, mother-in-law,
neighbors and even your husband or partner. Ask for the co-operation of
your family members whenever necessary, as this is the time when you
need their support the most. Ask your husband to help you change the
diapers and burp the babies after they're fed. You can also have the
support of other parents of multiples, as fellow nursing moms can
provide you lots of advices in the matter. If you are tired and don't
feel like cooking, ask your friend or neighbor to make food for you or
ask your husband to get your favorite dish from a restaurant.
Make Twins Sleep Together
It has been suggested by experts that for very young twins, sleeping
together in a crib or bassinet may provide them security, which will
promote their sleep in return. The twins feel comfortable by having each
other so near. This because they become used to each other's presence,
after spending nine months in the womb together. They find it soothing
to be able to touch each other. Making them sleep in crib, instead of
your arms or your own bed, will also help them go back to sleep, in case
they wake up after a few minutes only. You can also invent your own
ideas to make your twins sleep, depending on the situation and the
Take Care Of Yourself
Make sure that you are taking good care of yourself, as these tips won't
work without you. Don't neglect yourself while taking care of your
babies. Taking care of yourself will ensure that you effectively take
care of your babies. Drink plenty of water and eat lot of nutritious
food, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins. At this time, you should not
worry about you weight and figure, as these problems are very common
during pregnancy will get solved after some time. Just enjoy the time
with your multiples.